What comes to mind when you hear the phrase, “healthy eating”?
Do you think that you would love to prepare healthy meals for your family more often, but it’s just too expensive?
If you answered yes, you’re not alone. When speaking to moms, I find that there are many who feel the same way – healthy eating is important, but it costs so much money.
But most people who think this way aren’t looking at long-term consequences of unhealthy eating. With the increase of childhood obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer, families need to make healthy eating a priority – not an occasional choice.
So what is a mom on a budget to do?
I spoke with moms who are committed to feeding their families healthy meals. I put together this guide so you can get started, even if you’re on a budget.
Tip #1: Cut out fast food.
Fast food gives the appearance of convenience and appeals to busy moms on-the-go. But it’s costing you more money to feed your family “junk food “than you may realize. On average, a family of four will spend about $23 – $28 on one meal from McDonalds. For a fraction of the cost, you can get a fully-cooked rotisserie chicken and vegetables and serve that for dinner.
Tip #2: Make kids’ lunches at home.
As a mom of three teenagers, I know how expensive and unhealthy school lunches are. School lunch for my 2 middle-schoolers and high-schooler costs $7.20 per day x 5 = $36 per week, which = $144 per month for food that doesn’t meet daily nutritional requirements.
Instead, you can save money by purchasing healthy school lunch options, such as fresh veggies and dip, salad, granola bars, tuna fish on a wrap, Greek yogurt, peanut butter and jelly, etc.
Tip #3: Buy fresh fruits and vegetables from local farmers markets.
Getting fresh fruits and veggies from your local farmer’s market offers a better variety at a lower price than your grocery store. Select in-season fruits and veggies as they are less expensive.
If you have to buy frozen veggies, get them while they’re on sale and stock up.
Tip #4: Plan your weekly meals and go grocery shopping once a week.
Making more than one trip to the grocery store each week quickly adds up. Choose a designated day for weekly meal planning and grocery shopping. Setting aside time to carefully plan your meals will save you money and allow you to prepare healthier meals for your family.
*Golden advice: remember to never shop on an empty stomach.
Tip #5: Buy in bulk.
Shop in the bulk section of your local supermarket or you can shop at stores like Costco and Sam’s Club. You will save money buying veggies, fruits, pastas, seasonings and beans in bulk than if you were to purchase smaller, pre-packaged portions.
Tip #6: Make enough for leftovers.
Prepare more than one meal on Saturday or Sunday and cook enough to have as a meal on another day. Freezing leftovers will save you time and money. This will also give you peace of mind knowing your family is eating a home-cooked meal made with healthy ingredients.
Healthy eating for a family on a budget is easier than you think. I challenge you to apply at least one tip from this list so you can see for yourself.
Did we leave any items off? We’d love to hear what works out for you.
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