This post is sponsored by H&R Block, however all thoughts and views are my own.
When I became an entrepreneur, I knew that I would have to do quite a few things differently when it came to accessing healthcare coverage, funding my retirement, and taxes. What I didn’t account for was the ripple effect that these items would have on other areas of my life.
In the Spring of 2018, I made a bold announcement. My husband and I were going to buy a multi-family building in Los Angeles. We found an agent we liked and submitted paperwork for our pre-approval.
The mortgage broker requested our taxes from the previous year which were completed by a gentleman who was a recommendation from a friend. He was not a licensed tax professional, but someone “who had filed taxes for a lot of people and knew what he was doing.” It turned out he made quite a few errors when filing our taxes and based on his errors we did not earn enough to qualify for a property in Los Angeles.
That experience taught me a valuable lesson- tax planning and professionals aren’t just for the wealthy and everyone should confirm that their tax strategy is in sync with their financial goals.
Whether you recognize it or not you have a tax strategy. That strategy might be as simple as obtaining the biggest refund possible or to pay as little taxes as possible, but it’s a strategy.
When it comes to your tax strategy, here are a few things to consider before you file:
- What major life changes are you planning to make in the upcoming year
- What are your financial goals for this year and the next two years
- Are there any situations that will be affected by how you file such as your student loan repayment plans.
Answering those three questions can help your tax preparer advise on the best strategy for you.
I’ve partnered with H&R Block, who has more ways to help you file your taxes than anyone else with more than 12,000 offices worldwide, to help you navigate tax season this year as well as ensure that you are informed of all the filing options available to you.
Thanks to the internet you can file online or in the office with a tax preparer. There is no right or wrong, just what makes you the most comfortable and is most convenient for you. Should you choose to file online, H&R Block offers the following three services to make your online experience easier:
A DIY Online Help Center, located throughout the DIY Online product, where you can find and navigate the self-help options, as well as get connected to a live tax expert if needed. as well as get assistance from a seasoned tax expert if needed.
Ask a Tax Pro, which gives you unlimited, on-demand chat sessions with a tax expert as you complete your returns. This includes screen-sharing and access to a member of the exclusive group of tax experts who are highly trained with an average of 15 years of experience.
Tax Pro Review which provides online filers the opportunity to have a highly-trained tax pro review their documents and actually complete the tax return, sign the return, and file it on their behalf without coming into an office.
I really like that H&R Block is committed to making your filing experience as stress-free as possible and that they have a transparent upfront pricing model. You know exactly what you need to pay so that you won’t be surprised by the cost of your taxes when you finish.
The 2019 tax season begins on January 28th and ends on April 15th. H&R Block has also provided this helpful checklist so that you can gather necessary documents needed for filing.
Customize the following list so that you can make the most of your appointment here.
To learn more about the options available from H&R Block to help you this season click HERE.
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