By Candice Davie
Summer is here, (virtual) school is out, and you and the kiddos could use some downtime and relaxation. While you take time out to reset and have some quality family time, this is your reminder that summer break is also a great time to continue to teach your kids about the value of money and how to make it work for them. You may think they are too young or will not understand, but the sooner these financial lessons are learned, the better chance our little ones have of not making the same money mistakes we did.
Here are some fun, educational books all about financial lessons your children will love to read!
1. The Berenstain Bears: Dollars and Sense
by Stan and Jan Berenstain

A classic Berenstain Bears story that teaches young children about money and how to be responsible. how to save, count, keep track of money, and behave responsibly.
Age Range: 3-7 years
2. Little Critter: Just Saving My Money
by Mercer Mayer

When Little Critter has his eyes on a new skateboard, Dad tells him that he will have to save his own money to buy it. This book teaches children all about saving with a goal in mind.
Age Range: 3-7 years
3. Lily Learns About Wants and Needs
By Lisa Bullard

This is an excellent financial literacy book for young children. Financial lessons were simplified using daily life situations that kids often encounter. The illustrations and supporting texts help kids understand real-life examples and triggers thoughts on how to make smart money decisions.
Age Range: 5-8 years
4. Finance 101 For Kids: Money Lessons Children Cannot Afford To Miss
By Walter Andal

This book gives older children a more comprehensive breakdown about finance and economics. Using easy-to-understand language and interesting illustrations, the book gives important lessons on the different ways to handle money responsibly.
Age Range: 9-12 years
Which tools and resources have you been using or would like to start using to teach your little ones about money?
*Featured Image via Shutterstock
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