It sounds crazy right? I know thing or two about talking to yourself, after all, I live in NYC.
Let me explain. I am a student of the amazing Cheryl Wood and currently enrolled in her 45-day Business Mastery Course. During our first call she mentioned the power of talking to yourself and after she explained it, I immediately began implementing it in my own life.
You see, most of us who don’t suffer from some type of narcissistic personality disorder experience moments of self doubt. You know those I’m not good enough or smart enough, or special enough thoughts that can bombard you throughout the day. By talking to yourself, you are forced to repeat positive affirmations that relate to the things you want to accomplish. After a while the law of attraction and intention kick in and change begins to happen.
For example I will share two of the five items that I have told myself daily for the past three weeks. I wrote down the 5 items I wanted to manifest into my life. Some of the goals were based on the present and others are based on the future.
The first was “I am going to sell out my event”. When we launched tickets to our Fashion and FInance event I was nervous. I was so excited to open up registration and after 2 days we had only sold 2 tickets! I must admit, I was nervous. I wanted to sell out our event! I wanted it to be packed wall to wall with individuals eager to hear all that we had to offer. Tickets slowly started to creep up and by the last day we had sold out our event! Not to mention we sold a fair amount of unexpected tickets at the door.

Our sold out crowd.
Another item on my list was “Brands want to work with me and value my brand“. Without sounding to arrogant, I am at the point in blogging where I would like to begin using my influence to my advantage. My Fab Finance delivers great information that benefits its readers and the stats reflect that. Since I began talking to myself three weeks ago, I have established several new relationships with different brands. I received my first paid writing gig for another personal finance education blog, was interviewed for a major site, I am now an ambassador for Haute Kinky Hair, and am in talks with other companies that reached out to me during this time.
Talking to yourself is a strong practice to implement into your daily routine. I have put my list on my mirror and recite them in the morning as soon as I get out of bed and before I walk out of the door. It sounds simples and too good to be true, but I urge you to implement this practice for at least three weeks and watch things begin to happen.
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